15 Oct 2011

Never take too much care and love on someone

You should learn not to take too much care and love on someone, because you won’t be able to stand the pain when they start avoiding you. It’s like you’ve invested too much and end up gaining nothing. When your relationship ends, you’ll be having a hard time coping up with your lose. You’ll feel like a loser, dumb and pathetic. Save something for yourself. So when that person leaves you, there is still something left for you to stand up and save yourself from pain. Don t show so much of love to anyone because it creates a non curable pain. Don't depend too much on anyone in this world, because even your own shadow leaves you when you are in darkness. You'll never know how long people will stay with you, or how fast they will leave you. Always remember, people meet to part. Never hold on to someone that much. Life's just too unpredictable.

1 comment:

  1. You have choice, You can live your life HALF, and be half happy, and half sad.. dont take risk to be sad or alone...

    Or, just Jump in, Trust 100%, love 100%, Care 100%, be happy 100% and be maybe.. sad 100% too

    Its a choice, its a kind of life and its for me.. the best way to live :) TAKE RISK

