15 Oct 2011

Little Happy Things

I love little happy things during simple times. It’s just an implication that life is full of things that makes you happy. I have here a list of “Little Happy Things” which I enjoy and appreciate too much. This is randomly listed. Thank you, Lord for this!

·         Enjoying summer/semestral vacation
·         Eating your favorite chocolate
·         Family celebrations
·         A good-hair day
·         That feeling when you see people happy just because they see you're happy
·         A lovely smell
·         Received a last piece of candy from someone
·         Always telling the truth
·         Extraordinary kindness from people you love
·         Bought new cute ballpens
·         Looking forward to classes to see your friends.
·         A shoulder to lean on
·         Cute babies
·         Reading books to learn
·         Movie Marathon with your favorite foods and friends
·         Getting excited for a trip
·         Comfortable shoes
·         A sweet message
·         A loooooong holiday
·         Hearing your favorite song on the radio and reminds you of someone.
·         When people say thanks for the little things you do.
·         When you got that feeling that someone trusts you
·         Warm hugs from your mom and dad.
·         New songs on iTunes/iPod.
·         Been thinking about a lyric of a song, then suddenly your friend come & sing it.
·         The fresh feeling after brushing your teeth.
·         When you finally found the title of a song that you've been searching for. 
·         When people give compliment about your new profile picture. 
·         When someone said that you're so beautiful today, even when you're not trying to.
·         Arrived at home after a long tiring day, bumped onto bed & fell asleep.
·         When your parents are proud of you.
·         When you expect less, but you get more.
·         Proved that you can while everyone's doubt at you.
·         That feeling after done an exam and you’ve done it well
·         The first bite of a delicious food.
·         Drinking a cup of coffee in the morning.
·         When someone you thought have forget you but still remembers you
·         When you realized that you still have a pocket of money to buy things you want
·         The late-night talks about everything at sleepovers.
·         When you know that the people who you love is having the same feeling for you.
·         Your jokes that make people laugh.
·         Not being able to finish a sentence cause you're laughing so hard about the ending.
·         Uncontrollable laughter with your crazy friends.
·         When you know that you have an extra time to continue your sleep in the morning.
·         Being with good looking people with nice attitude.
·         The moment you pass by a mirror & realize that you're looking good.
·         Do a spontaneous plan & it goes very well.
·         Hanging out with friends in a bar and dance till you drop.
·         Knowing that you are a lovely person. . 
·         Remembering funny things in your mind & laugh it by yourself. 
·         Bought nice clothes with cheap price. 
·         Staring at the pretty sunset.
·         Playing songs that can boost your mood.
·         A brand new thing that you've been wanting for
·         Realizing that today you are a stronger person.
·         When somebody say he/she is missing you.
·         Had a long chat with your crush
·         Being yourself and people love the way you are
·         Eating a yummy dessert after a stressful day
·         Learning how to use tumblr and blogspot (hahaha)
·         Saw a rainbow after the rain. 
·         The fresh feeling after you took a bath.
·         People call you with your favorite nickname.
·         The first bite of food when you're really hungry.
·         Seeing others happy & the reason is because of you
·         A little & random conversation with the one we love.
·         A warm blanket in the middle of night.
·         A nice candid picture of you.
·         Meet up with the long-time-no-see people.
·         The moment that you found the thing that you've been looking for a long time. 
·         Having your favourite meal at Mcdonalds! (sorry but i just love Mcdo) haha
·         Seeing your favourite tv personality in person.
·         Waking up in the morning, in a good mood (it’s a blessing)
·         Giving something for someone who is in need
·         Singing out loud in the videoke (or in the bathroom haha)
·         Discovering new places
·         Going into a beach (Looking forward to this)
·         Sleeping the whole day just because you missed to rest. haha

You should realize that there are lots of little things that can make you happy. Pay more attention to it and be grateful of having those. We still have happy things in life so why need worrying about the sad things? Think big, but let the little things make you happy. Remember that being happy is not about owning a big house or a fast car. Though we are dreaming of having big things someday, we should learn to appreciate little things in our lives. Be thankful of what you have at what you can do now.LITTLE HAPPY THINGS.

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