17 Aug 2011

A little about her..

                        Who is Rhizza, anyway? 

Her real name is Rizza Estomago Licayan, a 20-year- old girl who loves life and lives life to the fullest. She is a student, scholar, leader, an achiever, and a survivor. She came from a family of 5 and is the eldest among the Tres Marias. 

Rhizza is always proud of being a cebuana and is not shy about where she came from. She spent 12 years in her life in the Queen City of the South and looking forward to spending the rest of her life in that place. But despite of where she came from and being a "probinsyana", she still can manage to at least shine with her talents and knowledge. Although, she has achieved a few and gone a bit far, she wants her feet to be kept on the ground because she believes that every blessing that comes on her way is God's gift to her. 

At her early age, she was taught by her parents on how to become independent and live life simply. She even experienced going to school walking for about 20 minutes, selling goods at the age of 8 and having 5 pesos on pocket as her "baon". Her parents want her to become a responsible and wise citizen, who can stand on her own and can achieve whatever she wants to achieve .And because of all those challenges and sacrifices that she went through in the darkest times of life, it developed her in becoming a strong individual, full of dreams, striving hard to reap the fruit of her hardships someday.

She admits she is not perfect 'coz nobody's perfect. She can be messy when she's with her friends, noisy, crazy, a bitch (yah,everyone is, sometimes). But behind those imperfections, she is a woman with a kind heart, a loving daughter, caring sister, and a true friend. She can laugh with you the whole day like crazy, share your secrets with her, cry on her shoulder, make silly jokes and will accompany you everywhere u want to go (when she's in the mood). And even if she fall off the ground many times, she is so much thankful to have not just good friends but great friends around her. They're just the best! They accept her real being without hesitations, no buts and ifs. You can best describe her when she is with her close friends, a lady with a strong personality, who can manage to make her friends laugh, who can draw a smile on your face even if she's not the brightest crayon inside your box. 

"She is Rhizza, not perfect, not even close to it, but she is a true friend you can always have. She may not be the brightest crayon inside your box, but if u get to know her well, she can draw a smile on your face"

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