27 Aug 2011

You’re young, so shut up and enjoy life

Make the most out of it while you’re still young. Yes you have to. I mean, you only have one life to live. Why waste? Why not do things that can make you smile and laugh. We all have the same way to go, the way of getting old. Isn’t it perfect when you have a lot of funny and happy times to remember? I believe every person must enjoy his life so that when he gets old, he got a lot of things to reminisce. So when you’re still young, enjoy. And keep this on your mind that you will never be younger than you are at this very moment.  So if you think you haven’t done enough, man it’s time to make things happen.

As I am still at my young age, I make sure that every single day of my life is worth it. Given the fact that we encounter problems, face troubles, pains and heartbreaks and some stuffs like that, I believe that there is still room to enjoy. Yeah you worry because it is your life, it is your responsibility, you have to fix this and that.  But, why worry too much? You don’t deserve it.  You can have it all when you learn to balance everything in your life. Some people especially those students who are studyholic, who worry too much on academics don’t have extra time to atleast unwind and provide their selves a time to enjoy. I know people who are like this, often called as “KJ”. Too many excuses. But I don’t care though. It’s not my fault if they’ll regret something in the future. Haha. I myself study hard but I make it to a point wherein I can go see my friends, mingle with them, have time to tell stories with them, party with them and make crazy moments with them. And I can say that because of those moments with my friends, I enjoy my life here on earth. Life would be boring without friends and crazy moments.

Have fun while you are still capable of doing so, live life as if there is no tomorrow; smile while you still have teeth and laugh as much as you can. Spend time with your friends, family, classmates, and old friends. Don’t regret a single thing and don’t dwell over the past. It’s time for you to catch up things you haven’t done before. There’s a reason behind everything. Give yourself a chance. Don’t waste a minute. You never know what will happen. Stop worrying too much. Better shut up and stop complaining that life is hard, instead, you must learn how to appreciate things on the positive side of it, then you’ll be happy. Do whatever you want, and say what you feel. Stand up on what you believe in, even if it means that you have to stand alone. Just live your life that some people don’t get the chance to. Take advantage of that. Our life is like a book, we don't have to jump off to the end just to see if it's worth it. Just enjoy life and fill those empty pages with beautiful memories. Feel alive. Feel blessed. Feel young. :))

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