17 Aug 2011

good things take time :))

I easily fall inlove, that’s why I easily get hurt.  But now, i’m trying and holding myself not to, just for the mean time. It’s not that I'm afraid to try again, but i’m just afraid of getting hurt for the same reason. I will figure out first what are the things that made my past relationships fail, so that in the future, I can correct it and it will never happen again. There are times that I get envy to couples who are so sweet together and ask myself “why do I need to be alone”. Then i gave myself an answer “maybe this is not yet the right time to be with someone else”. Well honestly, I miss the feeling of being in love and being with someone else but when i feel how much it hurts, I'd rather miss it than to feel it again.

For now, i am single because i am saving myself for someone who deserves me at my best and loves me even more at my worst.  I know that he’s out there. I believe there’s gotta be something for my soul somewhere, in the right time. I believe that being single doesn’t mean you are unattractive, for me being single is a choice. I'm single, not because I don't pray for love. I'm single because I don't play around with love. Besides, being independent is not about being a loner,  it's just a chance that you give to your self to do the things on your own way. Remember: "you can't love someone else if you don't learn to love yourself"

For me, it’s about being strong, and having a faith that there is someone out there who is waiting for our love. While I am single, i’ll spend time with my family and friends and to those things that will make me happy. I believe someday, everything will fall into place. The guy i’ve been praying for will be mine, only God knows.  God is there. I'll be with the RIGHT one who's RIGHT for me. 

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